Healing trauma sets your art free

a past, repainted banner image

Never quite satisfied with what you create?

Feeling stuck when you know you’ve got so much more to offer?

Having trouble finishing what you start?

Hi I’m Angie, and I know this story all too well.

It took me years to realize my struggles with art were actually a symptom of something else.

I had trauma from my past that needed healing.

It was affecting every part of my life.

So I decided to do whatever it takes to finally break free.

I began a journey to learn more about trauma.

And I found many things that helped me heal along the way.

Until eventually my relationship to myself and others improved –

…and so did my art.

Angie Edwards lives in Austin, TX and hosts the podcast, “a past, repainted“.

After completing a recovery program, I decided it was time to help others.

So I’m sharing what I’ve learned to help artists like you with healing trauma on my podcast.

Listen to “a past, repainted” at your favorite source: